I found the fuchsia silk in John Lewis and made it into a lingerie set. I loved it so much I bought enough to make this blouse (Vogue pattern to come. Have to ask Mummy). I figured my mother and I would sew it together and I would better learn from her how to sew. Yes, trust me to pick the hardest thing to try to do. The satin slipped everywhere, so much so, my mother, a professional tailor, even got frustrated.
While she sewed, I did all of the cutting, ironing, tea making and hand stitching. The neckline which you can't see in the photo is all my handiwork. I had to keep rolling and folding as neatly as I possibly could before hand stitching and pressing in place.
We had a few mishaps with the sleeves - like sewing the ruffles on upside down, but the most difficult part was sewing the ruffles which when flat are actually circles cut in half with a hole in the middle because they didn't fit perfectly on the sleeve. A lot of fiddling was done and perfectly turning under the edges before sewing into place.
It took all day bonding with my mother and endless cups of tea for that blouse to be finished, but every time when I wear the blouse I think of all the fun we had down in the basement on the vintage Singer.
What craft projects did you or do you make with your mother?
I love the blouse,the ruffles must have taken a lot of sewing,your mother must be a very good seamstress.
Lovely blouse, stunning colour and very shimmery and soft I should think!
Our Mom has passed, but she did a lot of candlewick stitching, plastic canvas, cross stitch, embroidery and crocheting. The only thing we bonded over was the crocheting part as I was all fumble fingers with needles. Love that blouse! xxoo
Absolutely stunning blouse, do you sell on Etsy or anywhere else if not you should its amazing!!!
the blouse is wonderful. such a nice way to spend time together, creating.
Well one thing I can say...your mom loves you dearly if she was prepared to work with that slippery material. I am sure you had a great time together and it turned out beautifully.
Well done Michelle, its gorgeous, Ive had experience with satin and its definitely not the easiest of materials to work with, but you and your mum must be congratulated on your achievements. Its stunning. Well done with love and hugs Shirleyxxx
What a wonderful project to work together on. Can't believe you bought satin to.... it is beautiful though. Most Friday's I visit Mums and Dads on my way to grocery shopping. We all have a cuppa together and the conversation always turns to cardmaking and craft. Dad makes a quick exit for the computer room. :-)
The blouse is really beautiful and the color i love it ...HUgs ....jLaura
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