I’m also munching on a couple of Belgian Jules Destrooper butter crisps. They look like golden buttery waffles that have been flattened. They’re crisp to bite and sweet to taste. Scrumptious. They’re sold in a lovely oblong navy and white box with a description of the biscuits in twelve different languages, for example – natuurboterwafels, galettes au beurre, butter crisps, and my favorite – butterwaffeln. I took some photos of them with the chocolate cups, so you can see what they look like.
As soon as I finish, I’m going to begin working on the richly carved wooden photo frame that I found in the rubbish (garbage) down the street. Well, it wasn’t exactly in the rubbish. Someone had leaned it against their black iron railing with some other things they were throwing out. I’m going to sand it down, paint it white and frame a piece of the most beautiful wrapping paper I’ve ever seen. Let’s hope the result doesn’t look as if I’ve got a present hanging on my wall.

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