I met a guy at the Majestic hotel and he was wearing this shirt so I had to speak to him. I eventually asked if I could take photographs of his shirt and whether his wife would mind. Luckily, he’d had a few mojitos, so didn’t mind.
The back of this shirt was decorated with red and orange thickly embroidered star like flowers. Chunky graffiti roses were also printed on with thick black lines. The man was also wearing a white linen jacket that had a subtle shimmer of silver running though it and it was lined with white on white paisley silk. It was wonderfully bold, but I wasn’t cheeky enough to ask for three photos.

The next day, I bumped into the French film agent and he was wearing another shirt by the same designer. This was had quilted cotton patchwork on the right front side of the shirt.

Tomorrow - Tons of photos of Cannes during the film festival.
that is so nice of that man to pose for your photo session! and his shirt is really cool! i love the floral design!
i cannot wait for UP..i love disney pixars movie!!
Love the shirt, also think this house is cute, (if houses can be cute)
I like the shirt,was it machine or hand stiched.I have started seeing embrodery on suits,a rose stiched here and there,very nice,on a country singer.
The flowers looked hand stitched, but they must have been sewn by machine or the shirt would have been too expensive. It gives me inspiration to jazz up a few of my shirts.
oh...I'm lovin the shirt! You'll have to let us know if you figure out who the designer is.
Incredibly pleased that you liked my kraft.Ah not know the English language and use a translator.
Thanks for visiting my blog. You have so many interesting things here. I love the doll house you found.
About two days after I first saw the doll's house, it was removed to make way for giant snow covered fir trees to promote Jim Carrey's new movie. Pictures on Friday.
The designer's name is Nogaret. His website is http://www.nogaret.com but it doesn't look as if it's been updated for 2009. He has a section at the Parisian Galleries Lafayette and a shop at the Rue D'Orcel in Paris 75058 in Montmartre, but check website and call ahead.
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